
By Clicking the Yelp icon bellow, you will now be redirected to Yelp to view some testimonials. Yelp is removing/filtering feedbacks and reviews if the user is not an active "Yelper"! That is why you may see fewer rated comments, even many of my customers told me that they provided feedback on Yelp, which have been filtered.

On Yelp when you get our review page, you see more blocked revies by clicking on the link at the end of listed reviews saying:
"other reviews that are not currently recommended

Nevertheless, we will provide you with as many customers as you wish for reference upon request.

Majority of our customers are from Stanford community and people from fortune 50 companies in Bay Area. They all would be more than happy to answer all your questions and concerns.

click on this icon to check feedbacks.

NOTE: Also make sure to search and click on "filtered" reviews, once on the page. You may find some more useful reviews.


Please contact our Webmaster for your feedback, suggestions, comments or if you have further questions regarding this site.